The Union Express is the first installment in a three-part documentary series by award winning director Josh Landan. The first film will star pro surfer/songwriter Timmy Curran as a tour guide down the West Coast, featuring stops in San Francisco, Huntington Beach, San Diego, and other major surf spots along the Amtrak line. Timmy will be joined along the way by pro surfers Rob Machado, Dane Reynolds, Conner Coffin, Damien Hobgood, Nate Tyler, Keith Malloy, Taylor Knox, and more. The movie will be a blend of surfing, interviews, musical performance and lifestyle commentary on the culture and communities they encounter.
-The entire documentary will be shot on 16 mm film and in high definition. The second and third installments of The Union Express are slated to film in Japan (2010) and India (2011) in the same style and format.
-The Union Express will begin a national tour in the spring of 2010 with premiers and musical performances by some of the stars in scheduled cities around the US.
Language: English
Subtitles: No
Audio Codec: MP3
Audio Bitrate: 128 kbps
Video Codec: XviD
Video Bitrate: 1665 kbps
Resolution: 640x352
Size: 696 MB
Length: 62 min
lundi 14 mars 2011
The Union Express
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